Feb 14, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Opportunities


Employment Strategies

SUNY Ulster offers credit-bearing courses designed to help students orient themselves to the College learning environment, make the best use of College resources, and plan for future careers. The following courses are described in the Course Descriptions section of this Catalog:

  • EMP 111 - Employment Exploration Seminar 1 cr. 
  • EMP 112 - Employment Strategies 1 cr. 

Distance Learning

Distance learning provides students with access to a course or a program of study outside traditional classroom settings. This mode of course delivery provides students an opportunity to attend school from anywhere there is reliable computer and Internet access. Students who take SUNY Ulster distance learning courses are expected to abide by the College’s Student Academic Honesty Policy. All homework and assignments are to be done by the student individually unless the instructor advises that the assignment is a team or group project.

The following information applies to all distance learning options offered by SUNY Ulster:

Students must:

  • Have knowledge of Microsoft Word and/or Google Drive. Assistance is available through Online Learning Student Support.
  • Be well-disciplined and able to manage their time and prioritize tasks well.
  • Own a computer or have regular access to one several times a week.
  • Have access to, reliable Internet service. The College has open computer labs available to students.

Students should:

  • Be proficient visual and/or audio-visual learners. Information about learning styles is available through the Learning Center.
  • Be aware that participation in the online portion of a class, or in a fully online course, will take longer than participation in a face-to-face class.
  • Have a minimum of college-level reading and writing skills.

Course details:

  • Students may be required to have access to a library or library services.
  • Curricula may include any of the following: lectures, PowerPoint presentations, over-heads, discussions and/or work groups, writing assignments, hands-on practice, audio or visual presentations, guest lecturers; instructor use of a computer for (i) demonstrations (ii) Internet access (iii) expanding on lecture material; student use of a computer for (i) discussions among classmates and/or with instructor, (ii) writing assignments, (iii) projects, (iv) research, (v) exams, (vi) note taking, (vii) hands-on assignments or lab work.
  • The instructor may require students to log into a course and participate in discussions a minimum number of times per week or take timed and/or proctored exams.
  • Instructor help may be available only through e-mail, private communications within a course, or telephone.

Distance Learning Options at SUNY Ulster:

Blended Courses

Blended courses require attendance in a traditional classroom setting for 20% to 80% of the class meeting time, with the balance of coursework and participation completed online via Internet connection. The classroom meeting times are published in the class schedule each semester; course instructors determine the online coursework requirements and schedule. Blended courses are not self-paced. Students who do well in this type of course are comfortable working in an online environment but also appreciate face-to-face learning time with an instructor in a traditional classroom setting.

Online Courses

Online courses are offered in two formats: asynchronous or synchronous. In both of these formats, courses are offered entirely in the online setting. There are no classroom meetings. Students may take online courses from anywhere in the world provided they have Internet access. However, instructors may require that exams be taken face-to-face with either the instructor or an approved proctor. Students who must use a proctor for exams are required to locate a proctor and pay any expenses that may be incurred.

Asynchronous online courses allow instructor and students to access and participate in the course via Internet connection according to their individual schedule needs. Instructors determine how often and in what ways students must participate in the course. Participation may include online discussions, group work, sharing of Internet research findings, or any other activity instructors deem appropriate.

Synchronous online courses require some degree of participation in synchronous (real-time) online class meetings scheduled by instructors. These courses provide 20% to 80% of instruction and participation in an asynchronous environment (students login and participate according to their own scheduling needs). The balance of instruction and participation also takes place online, but synchronous courses differ from asynchronous courses in that synchronous courses require student participation at scheduled online class meetings (synchronous meetings) on specific days at specific times. The ratio of synchronous-to-asynchronous instruction, as well as schedules for required online class meetings, are determined by course instructors. Synchronous courses may use tools such as Collaborate, Skype, Zoom, or other computer application software to allow students to interact with instructors and/or classmates in real time. These synchronous sessions will be recorded so that students can access them asynchronously when necessary.

Online courses are not self-paced unless specified as such by instructors. Students who do well in these types of courses are self-motivated, independent learners who are comfortable working in the online environment.

Programs Available Online

SUNY Ulster now offers some of its programs completely online. There programs include:

Business Administration A.S.
Computer Science A.S.
Criminal Justice A.S.
Entrepreneurship Certificate
General Education Certificate
Individual Studies A.S.

Liberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities and Social Science A.A.

Experiential Learning

The purpose of experiential learning is to offer students an opportunity to validate knowledge acquired through academic studies, to provide first-hand experience in a work environment, and to explore career possibilities.

A student may participate in experiential learning through cooperative education, internship placement, field experience, and other activities. Requirements vary within each curriculum. Further information may be found in the Instructional Program, Cooperative Education, Internship and Course Descriptions portions of the Catalog.

Field Experience

Field experiences place students in a business or service environment where they can apply their classroom skills, competencies and knowledge to a real-world, professional environment, while exploring various career opportunities.

Honors Studies

SUNY Ulster’s Honors Studies supports a community of academically motivated students, providing them an intellectually stimulating experience that matches their abilities. Students who participate in the program will:

  • Fulfill general education requirements in a customized curriculum.
  • Experience leadership and professional development opportunities.
  • Learn how to network with professionals.
  • Explore academic travel and internship opportunities.
  • Study with other high-achieving students.
  • Gain the academic support and mentorship of a designated Honors Advisor.

Each Honors section has an Honors course designation reflected on the student’s transcript. Students who successfully complete the 18-credit sequence will receive the Honors designation on their diploma at graduation.

Honors Studies at SUNY Ulster are open to students in any program who meet the criteria for admission (see below). Because most programs require students to complete courses in at least 7 of 10 General Education areas, the sequence of Honors courses is based on these requirements.

More information is available here.

Criteria for Admission to Honors Classes

Applicants will be subject to qualitative admission standards.

Students will be permitted to enroll in ENG 171, Honors English I, or ENG 172, Honors English II, only by recommendation of the Honors Program Director. Students will be advised to consider enrolling in other Honors classes if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

Incoming Freshmen

  • The student is a College Scholar, having graduated in the top 10 percent of the high school class, and is eligible for ENG 171 Honors English I*.


  • The student has a high school average of 90 or higher, is eligible for ENG 171*, and the results of all placement tests indicate that the student is eligible to take college-level course work in all subject areas.


  • The student has an earned G.E.D., is eligible for ENG 171*, and the results of all placement tests indicate that the student is eligible to take college-level course work in all subject areas. Additionally, there is some evidence, such as a high standarized test score, to suggest that the student shows academic promise.


  • The student has been home schooled, is eligible for ENG 171*, and the results of all placement tests indicate that the student is eligible to take college-level course work in all subjects. Additionally, there is some evidence, such as a high standardized test score, to suggest that the student shows academic promise.

Early College Students

The advisor for Early College students may recommend Honors courses if a student has a high school average of 90 or higher, is eligible for ENG 171 Honors English I, and the results of all placement tests indicate that the student is eligible to take college-level course work in all subject areas. Enrollment in Honors courses is only by permission of the Honors Program Director.

Continuing and Transfer Students

A continuing and transfer student may be admitted to participate in Honors courses if the student has a distinguished academic record, with a G.P.A of 3.5 earned in college-level course work, and a grade of B+ or better in ENG 101 or its equivalent. Enrollment in Honors courses is only by permission of the Honors Program Director.

* Based on the English placement essay and permission of the Honors Program Director.

Requirements for Honors Designation at Graduation

In order to receive the Honors designation at graduation, students are required to complete 18 credits of Honors level courses while fulfilling their academic program requirements. Students will choose from the following options:

  1. Six Honors courses or Honors sections of existing courses in General Education areas such as Humanities, Social Science, Communications, the Arts.
  2. Mathematics courses at the level of MAT 170 and MAT 180 (4 cr.), with a grade of B+ or better, may be substituted for one or more of the areas described above in item 1.
  3. Science courses at the level of BIO 105, BIO 106, BIO 107, BIO 108, CHE 103, CHE 104, CSC 150, CSC 180, ESC 104, ESC 105, PHY 109, and PHY 110 (4 cr.), with a grade of B+ or better, may be substituted for one or more of the offerings described above in item 1.
  4. HON 281 - Honors Themes/Project Seminar (3 cr.) 
  5. Other courses by advisement as approved by the Honors Program Director.

An overall GPA of 3.3 is required for graduation.

Hudson Valley Educational Consortium

The Hudson Valley Educational Consortium is a collaborative effort among SUNY Orange, Ulster, Dutchess, Westchester, Rockland and Sullivan Community Colleges to create broader access to academic programs and workforce training throughout the four-county region.

The four Consortium member SUNY Community Colleges partner to offer Associate in Applied Science degree programs through articulation agreements, opening their courses to one another’s students in both academic and continuing education programs.

Students wishing to register in Consortium programs participate from their home college, via the Internet, unless otherwise informed. General Education courses will be taken through the home college.

Current HVEC Programs offered at SUNY Ulster include:

Fire Protection Technology
Green Building Maintenance and Management

More information is available here.

Independent Study

Students may engage in an independent study within a particular discipline. In this study, a student will work with a faculty member who acts as mentor. The student and the faculty member prepare a mutually agreed upon contract of outcome objectives, and the department chairperson of the discipline(s) involved must approve the project. For more information, students should see the department chairperson of the discipline in which their interest falls.

Academic Travel

SUNY Ulster offers 3 ways to participate in International learning.

  • COIL - Collaborative Online International Learning
    • Through short projects, within various courses, you have the opportunity to collaborate with an international partner building technical skill and earning credit in a variety of subject matter at no additional tuition fee while you are here on the SUNY Ulster campus. COIL fosters cross cultural competence through multicultural learning linking a variety of courses and international schools together via the internet and social media on a global level. Participating in a COIL class provides students with experiences sought after by employers as well as transfer colleges and universities. Click here for more information.

  • Short Term Study Abroad

    • SUNY Ulster is a leader in Short Term Study abroad programs for Community Colleges. Short Term Study Abroad classes will earn you credits towards your degree and run 2 weeks to 17 days and are offered during the summer and winter sessions.  Classes are instructor developed and lead, with attention to one to one learning and based on the personal expertise of the instructor and subject matter.

  • Semester or Full year Study Abroad

    • We have access to opportunities for studying and travel across the globe for a half and full semester. The Office of Academic Travel assists students in researching programs, making connections and filling out applications.

Study abroad is fun, exciting and offers genuine experiential learning guaranteed to help you grow academically and globally.

More information is available here.

Study Abroad

SUNY Ulster’s Office of Academic Travel offers students, professionals and community members Study Abroad opportunities in over 400 programs in more than 60 different countries with linkage to more than 200 overseas insititution.

More information is available here.

Regional Travel

Various departments at SUNY Ulster also offer educational trips within the U.S. each year.

Academic Travel and COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning)

COIL courses provide the opportunity to collaborate with international partners on a 4-8 week project developing technology skills, cultural competence, and networking opportunities. More information about COIL and course offerings is available here.

Academic Travel Application Deadlines:

COIL courses: There is no application for COIL courses. Students have the opportunity to register for a COIL course when they register for their classes. Information about current options is available on the COIL website, and as students register with their advisor.

Short-Term Study-Abroad Courses: Registration begins the semester prior to the course’s start date.

  • Summer and winter intersession deadlines will be listed here.

Semester or Year-Long Study Abroad Courses

  • For classes starting in the fall semester: Approximately April 1.
  • For classes starting in the spring semester: Approximately October 1.

Academic Travel Financial Aid

Financial aid and scholarships for studying abroad are available. More information is available here.


SUNY Ulster sponsors student internships in most programs and fields of study, and in a variety of settings and fields. Students receive academic credit while gaining work experience. Most internships are unpaid, however, some are paid positions or include stipends.

Requirements for participation in an Internship are a GPA of at least 2.0, and 30 completed college credits.  More information is available here.

Transfer Agreements

Guaranteed Transfer Program

An opportunity to continue full-time study at a four-year SUNY college is guaranteed to all New York State residents who transfer directly from a SUNY or CUNY two-year college with an Associate in Arts (A.A.) or an Associate in Science (A.S.) degree. While the guarantee assures that students may pursue their baccalaureate degrees through the SUNY system, it does not assure admission to a specific college or curriculum.

To be eligible for this program, students must do the following:

  1. File the SUNY application at the Application Processing Center by March 1 for fall admission or October 1 for spring admission;
  2. Provide the four-year campus(es) with an official two- year college transcript, showing three semesters of completed studies, by March 15 for fall admission or October 15 for spring admission; and
  3. Complete all supplemental application materials for campuses which require them by April 15 for fall admission or November 15 for spring admission.

Students should also inquire about articulation agreements which have been established between SUNY Ulster and many four-year colleges to ensure that their course work and credits will transfer. Students should check with the Director of Transfer during the early months of enrollment at SUNY Ulster to see what agreements exist.

Transfer Articulation Agreements

SUNY Ulster has established departmental and general articulation and transfer agreements with many colleges and universities. These agreements help students achieve a seamless transfer by ensuring that their courses and credits will be accepted by their transfer institution.

Transfer options are not limited to colleges with established articulation agreements. SUNY Ulster graduates have transferred to many other four-year colleges and universities, and students are encouraged to discuss their transfer plans with their academic advisors and the Director of Transfer early in their academic experience at SUNY Ulster.

Information about SUNY Ulster’s transfer articulation agreements, as well as other transfer opportunities is available here.