Feb 18, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ART 210 - Life Drawing/Anatomy II 3 cr.

In this course students continue to develop advanced drawing skills working exclusively from the human figure and anatomy. Emphasis is placed on the organization of line, value, mass, and structure through short gestural drawings and more developed longer drawings from live models and the human skeleton. Traditional and experimental drawing media and techniques will continue to be explored as students develop a strong understanding of the human figure and its importance in art history and relevance to a visual arts training. Assistance will be given with the development of portfolios for transfer to 4‐year art degree programs. This course is reserved for fine arts majors. 1 hr. lect.; 3 hrs. studio. Prerequisite: ART 209 . Spring

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